Service Innovation Design - Desing for anti-aging

Service Innovation Design - Desing for anti-aging

The project is focused on senior service innovation, combining trend observation, user thinking, and innovative models. We designed the project using the UK design council’s double diamond model design process and corresponding design tools, as well as collaborating with service design providers and industry companies to propose designs that meet the needs of future senior citizens’ lives.

Designed to help middle-aged and older adults with their

Retirement Planning and Hobby Learning

  • Helps newly retired seniors to find their own interests/focus in the early years of their retirement.
  • Matching seniors who want to participate in activities to find partners with common interests.
  • Provide information to the retiring workforce to help them plan ahead for their retirement.


  • Assist introverted seniors to interact with others and build new relationships.
  • Helping insecure seniors find a friendly and tolerant environment.

Realted Method: #Desk Research #Interview #Affinity Diagram #Persona #User Journey Map #Story Board #User Flow #Wireframe #Prototype #Usability Test

© 2023 Nini Chen