Psycology and Design - Behavior Design 3 hour Hackthon

Psycology and Design - Behavior Design 3 hour Hackthon

Community support systems designed to enhance senior living habits.


There are more and more young seniors like Mei in the society. They are at retirement age, they are in good health, their children are independent so they have no financial burden, and they are capable of taking care of themselves in life.

Their focus has been on family, children and work, and they have never had the energy to cultivate their interests… After her husband’s passing, Mei feels lonely because of the lack of social interaction, and usually watches TV at home by herself, but she is too shy to go out to make friends.

Please use design methods and theories to help Mei’s emotional problems, and encourage her to establish good habits so that she can be outgoing.

© 2023 Nini Chen